We have been engaged in some remodeling while we await Ken’s hip replacement surgery scheduled for June 25.
In the interim, to add a little excitement to our mundane lifestyle, Saturday, May 26, grandson, Sean Burns, and niece, Eliena Wood, graduated from High School and niece, Katie Pinnick said “I do”. Congratulations to all of them. We wish them both success and happiness.
Granddaughter, Lauren Burns, leaves June 29 for London where she will attend a summer program at Oxford University. Lauren attends Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas and will graduate in the spring of 2008.
In addition to the above, nephew Mark Burns has accepted an assignment in Iraq and nephew Michael Burns is attending National Guard training in Georgia.
Ken’s sister, Barbara Burns, is visiting the States from Brazil where she is a missionary. As you might conclude from all of this activity, neither we nor our family have been idle.
We are awaiting a visit from niece and nephew, Zoe and John Baum in early July. We will keep you apprised of our doings as the summer goes forward. From here it all looks very promising.