events in the life of an ''oldie but goodie''.
Copyright 2018 Patricia Burns All Rights Reserved
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Once again it is that time of year when we pause to remember those we hold dear, our family and friends. As we celebrate the joy of giving, and remember the gift that we celebrate, we look forward to receiving the cards/letters or e mails that remind us of the gifts of friendship that we treasure most.
We are blessed with and enjoy good health, cranky old age and occasionally practice the “forgetin' disease”. Daughter Terri, son Gary and daughter-in-law Marci are all busy with their respective endeavors and are well. Granddaughter, Lauren, is living and working in Dallas, Texas and Grandson, Sean, is attending college in San Diego.
Our friends Kitty Van Horn and friend along with Marvis and Bob Gersten joined us in Key West for a week in the Conch Republic and a visit to Sarasota completed a Florida visit. Our summer included a cross country trip of 25 States, five Canadian Provinces and a visit to all five Great Lakes. Pat attended her 60th High School reunion and Ken’s sister, brother, sister-in-law, nephew and family joined us for an Indiana 4th of July celebration.
A visit to Buffalo, NY with Ken's sister, brother and two cousins and a shared trip to Warsaw and a visited to the house where their fathers were born was shared by the Cousins. “Icing on the cake” was meeting a cousin that they didn't know they had. A visit to Niagara Falls and a performance by the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra with Cousin Bill chairing the Bass Section completed our Buffalo visit.
Our travels took us to the beautiful East Coast, Canada, upper Michigan, Minnesota, the Black Hills of South Dakota, Colorado, Nevada and home. It was a wonderful trip, made special by our intermittent travel companions, Ken's sister, Barbara; brother, Don, sister-in-law, Linda and friends, Bob and Marvis Gersten. In October, we joined our friends, the Haselmans, for a two week visit on Kauai. Life is good.
May the joy of the holiday season, bless you throughout the New Year.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
friends, we are home again. It has been a great summer and now on to
planning for whatever our next big adventure is to be.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
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Sunday, August 22, 2010
We are en route home. We separated from Don and Linda en route to
Barbara joined us in
We spent Sunday, August 15, in Mitchell South Dakota. The highlight of our visit there was a visit to the
Monday, our travel included a stop at the Lewis and Clark museum overlooking the
Tuesday, we visited
Wednesday, Ken fulfilled another of the many items on his bucket list with a trek to Devil’s Tower in
Thursday morning, we were up early and out of camp by 830AM en route to
Fridat, Ken’s sister, Barbara rejoined us for the last leg of our trip through
Saturday, we did a drive about through the canyons and gullys en route to Montrose and a revisit to
There you have it for another week. We are off for the last leg of the trip which, hopefully, will conclude in
Sunday, August 15, 2010
My last dispatch reported Marvis and Bob’s departure in
Tuesday, Ken and I met Sunday School “siblings”, Dana and Virginia Patten at the
After a brief visit in the very comfortable lounge area, we drove a short distance to an elegant restaurant in a “wonder land” just down the road. As we entered the spacious well appointed entry, we were greeted by the owner and the hostess. We were shown to our white table cloth covered table which sat at a window overlooking the beautiful grounds. It was a perfect tranquil setting that reflected warmth and welcome. We shared a fine chicken dinner served family style topped off with lively conversation and background stories of the area and individual history. It was a great evening made more enjoyable by the presence of fellow
Wednesday was a laid back day devoted to laundry, cleaning and general rest and relaxation. Those days have been few and far between on this trip, so each such day is a gift.
Thursday, we drove along Lake Michigan and into
Friday morning we left Don and Linda in
Saturday, we stopped in
After our too short but delightful visit with Ann and Jim we departed Lakeville and made our way into
We are en route to the Black Hills via the
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Sunday August 1 – Our week started out with a bit of fresh cool air both inside and outside the coach but as the week went by, there were warmer days in both places. Sunday Don, Linda and Ken went to Church and did a drive about in preparation for some major “touristing” in
Monday, the Gerstens did a bus tour of
Tuesday, was a travel day with an overnight in the pines at
Wednesday, we drove through beautiful farms, peeks and valleys as we traveled along the river from Miramiche to Trois Pistoles,
Thursday we followed along the St Lawrence to
Friday we traveled from
Saturday was a day of travel through
Sunday, August 01, 2010
It is Sunday, August 1, 2010. After a whirlwind trip through
From the Bar Harbor area we drove to
Saturday morning, we departed our
There you have it. Another week unfolded with more yet to come. Let’s hope that we have learned some lessons even though they have been a bit slow in learning.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Another good week on the road.. We spent July 17-21 as the guests of good friends, Marvis and Bob Gersten at their beautiful lake front home in
Thursday morning we got a late getaway from
Saturday we moved into
just as happy as can be
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sunday, July 11. We enjoyed the day at Port Clinton with bro, Don and wife, Linda and their friends, Lynn and Ann Poet who drove over from their home in
Monday Junely 12, provided us another beautiful day of travel into
Tuesday, July 13, we made the short trek into
Wednesday morning dawned bright and clear for the trip to Warsaw where the Cousins met up with relatives from their past who not only remembered their fathers but Ken was surprised to learn that a Cousin, Robert Burns, also remembered him and his visit to Warsaw with his folks when he was only 8. It was an exciting day for all and one that they all enjoyed immensely. After the
Thursday the Cousins enjoyed a day at
Friday, July 15 – marked the conclusion of our very pleasant and special visit to
just as happy as can be
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The sun shines bright on
We enjoyed our five days of rest, relaxation and visiting on the lake and are now ready to move on into the East where the Burns first cousins will meet and rediscover their roots together. We are looking forward to a presentation of the Buffalo Symphony where Ken’s first cousin, Bill Burns, has spent his musical career. It will be great to see Bill, Richard and meet Richard’s friend.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
After our week at the Tiffin Factory in
On Thursday, we departed the Southern perimeters and made our way East, exploring the Natchez Trace into
Of course, the next day we arrived for our stay at the Crazy Horse Ranch in
My nephew provided a tour of the Pinnick Cemetery on old Log Creek Road outside of French Lick, where my Great Great Great ?? Grandfather James “Grandsire” Pinnick resides. My Grandfather fought in the American Revolution, a fact that I hope might help me in the event that I should ever seek residence in
While I know that there is wisdom in the statement “you can’t go home again”, I also know that there are special memories, wonderful stories and many happy reminisces in returning to ones roots on the occasion of your 60th High School Reunion. Never mind that you might not recognize most of your fellow graduates, it is the adventure of looking to someone you have already identified and saying “who is that?”. The degree of stupidity that you can feel is, indeed, enough to keep you humble for the remainder of your life.
Monday, June 28, 2010
We arrived
On Saturday (June 26) we attended a luncheon celebrating the 60th anniversary of my graduating Class of 1950. It was a wonderful day of memory recall that varied from truth to embellished “wish we had”. Our class of 49 persons has 30 still living and approximately 13 were at the luncheon. Our evening culminated in the annual alumni banquet for the graduates of
On Sunday, June 27, Ken, Mackie and I arose early and made our way to the Church of my youth where Ken and I were married 59 years ago come October 7, 2010. There you have it for another week of travel. I am looking forward to seeing my nieces and nephews who still live in the area as well as visiting my old haunts, seeing old friends and enjoying the memories of a former life in the days of few modern conveniences when entertainment was that which one could create from togetherness.
Life is good.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
We are having some work done on the front window of the coach. Hopefully, when that is done, we will be able to leave the factory by noon at the latest. We are going to a State Parkin neaby Mississippi for two nights and then will make our way to Bowling Green for an overnight stay and then into Indiana on Friday. We will probably be out of touch by phone and I net for the next two days.
It continues to be in the high 90s and low 100s with lots of mug in this area. Enjoying Mackies company and will be glad to get to
If you can’t reach us until Thursday, don’t be surprised. We are going to be in the “woods” overlooking a lake in the rolling hills of