We've just wrapped up another week of R&R in Key West with our friends, Bruce and Gwelda Haselman from Albuquerque. Our visit to Key West was made more memorable for Ken by his discovery of THE ISLAND BELLE, a boat his father sailed from San Francisco to LA and on which he had sailed as a youth. As part of my "ongoing" introduction into my dear husband's past, I was familiar with his often remembered story of his father's work for Preston Sturgis, a Hollywood film producer of some "renown" in the 40's.
As we walked along the boardwalk at the marina in Key West, I happened to notice a boat with that name. Not thinking much of it, I pointed it out to Ken. He looked at it, did a double take and exclaimed, "that sure looks like the Island Belle, could it be?" He proceeded to examine the boat becoming more excited with each minute. He asked some question from nearby boaters who wondered what his interest was, got a telephone number for the current owner and of course, followed up when we got back to the condo. It was the Island Belle. The owner invited Ken and all of us out for a sail which provided the icing to the cake for Ken's visit to Key West. Gwelda and I opted for a day at the pool, while Ken and Bruce enjoyed a "sail around". It was indeed a very special treat for him to once again sail aboard the boat that contributed to his earliest sailing experiences and instilled a love for the "sailing adventure".
Ken and Bruce enjoyed a "fishing trip" aboard one of the many party boats available. Luckily for us, the days catch resulted in fresh fish to be prepared in our kitchen. Unfortunately, the ingredients that one needs for a well seasoned and good fish preparation were in short supply. Tthus, I would not place my culinary attempt in high regard. Bottom line, it was not a great dinner fresh from the sea, but it was a well deserved day of sport fishing for the "boys".
A 70 mile trip to Islamarada for lunch at the Islamarada Fish Company and survey of RV resorts along the Keys filled another complete day and about did Gwelda in. She had a back spasm that curtailed her activities for the next two days and her impediment served as a "wake up" for all of us to "take a breather" and relax. It is always hard to get Ken to recognize that his "action" mentality can get tiresome for his comrades. Thus, the next day was "laid back" and relaxed and on Friday, after a last breakfast, we wished the Haselmans a safe trip home and prepared for our own departure early the next day. Key West is always a charming departure from reality and this year was no exception but all the more memorable for Ken because of his sail on the Island Belle. His cup runneth over. After three attempts, I was able to finally reach my goal of walking from the Gulf to the Atlantic (2.4 miles round trip) in spite of my "out of shape" and overweight flaws. That was once an easy accomplishment but more recently, it has become a goal to be accomplished. I have done it for years and by now, it really should be "easy". Naughta! The old bones sometimes rebel.
On Saturday we drove from Key West to Orlando where we visited long time friends from our Army days in Battle Creek Michigan, Bill and Helen Holzaepfel. Bill was a first Lieutenant in charge of Ken's unit who shared Ken's love for sailing. He and Ken owned a small boat together and we practically lived at their house on the lake where we must have surely been "pests" of the highest order. On reflection, it seems that we were "testing" the fraternity rules of military behavior inasmuch as Bill was an officer and Ken a mere non-com. Nevertheless, Bill and Helen took us under their wing and were most understanding of our youth and my naivette. Our friendship has endured for these 50+ years. Helen is one of the most creative and ingenious people that I know and Bill has a tremendous sense of humor that has withstood the "passing of time". They are much the same though perhaps more "seasoned". Time has enhanced their charm. Helen and Bill were preparing for a trip to Wyoming but when we wrote that we would be in the vicinity, they insisted that we stop by and spend the night with them. We last visited them in 1994 on a trip back to California from Florida. Friends truly are a gift and our friendship with Bill and Helen is a treasured one.
Bill was wounded in the Korean war but his ability to overcome his disability and forge a successful life in spite of what seemed like overwhelming odds was amazing. Now, as the aging process interferes with his "will" he is no longer able to drive so Helen has taken charge and carries the "flame". What a couple and we love them both. We enjoyed dinner with Bill and Helen at the Bahama Breeze in Orlando. For those of you who might be in Orlando, we recommend this restaurant for its good food, moderate price and pleasant ambiance. It was a wonderful evening spent with good friends and heavily seasoned with happy memories.
On Sunday we drove the short distance from Orlando to Flaggler Beach near Daytona for a visit with our friends, Bob and Kitty Van Horn. Missing from this visit were our mutual friends, the Gerstens, who were absent but not forgotten as we explored the stomping grounds of the Van Horns, met their son and grandchildren and got to know Jingles, their five month old poodle. On Monday, Bob and Kitty drove us to St. Augustine for a tour of that old and historied city. We toured Flagler College, had lunch at an outstanding restaurant in St. Augustine, the name of which I don't recall. I had wahoo in deference to our friend Bruce, who tried to find Wahoo on the menu in Key West without success. It was outstanding but the others had Flounder and that too was outstanding. After lunch we rushed back to Flagler Beach and departed for Sarasota where we will spend the next week basking in our many good memories of the past 10 days. St. Augustine is a "gotta return to" event.
Our trip into Sarasota was made interesting by the advent of fireworks in the sky, the clatter of thunder and raindrops "a falling on our head". Man they shor nuff do know how to put on shows in the skies above down here but whomever was in charge of this production forgot to check with us. It was a bit inconvenient, don't you know? We din't have no umbrella, I don't like lightening and noise keeps me awake. Alas what will be will be!!
Belated Happy Birthday to our friend Marvis Gersten who celebrated a notable birthday recently. Marvis, 49 is a mere "entry" level` milestone. The best is yet to come.
On to our next adventure! I am attaching a few pictures for your viewing pleasure if you have time to indulge yourselves.
Bruce and Gwelda
Island Belle at sail
View from our Key West balcony
Bill and Helen Holzaepfel
Ken with Bill and Helen
Pat with Kitty and Bob Van Horn and Jingles
View from Van Horn balcony
Flagler College St Augustine FL
Street view St Augustine