We are back in the mountains of Arizona though our primary location is really in the great Verde Valley and Sedona where the beautiful red rocks confront our view and incite our imagination with beauty and awe.
Tuesday we visited Montezuma's Castle and Montezuma's Well where we paid tribute to the Indians that once roamed the hills and canyons of this area. Montezuma's Castle is but one of many similar remaining reminders of the life of the Indians whose freedom and lifestyle we usurped. However, it is difficult to imagine how hard their life must have been. As one looks upon the remaining facade of the abode called Montezuma's Castle, one is reminded that a "man's home is his castle" and that "home is where the heart is" but truthfully, I had trouble applying either of those "cliches" to the small space carved in the rocks high above the ground. I lack humility, I think.
Wednesday the six of us took the Verde Valley train from Clarkdale along the Verde River through the canyons to Perkinsville where the engines were moved to the back of the train and we made our way back the same route from which we entered. It was a scenic trip through the canyons as eagles soared above us amid visions of fairy tales and historic faces seemingly carved in the cliffs along the route. One would have to spend many hours in obsessive mental imaging to find those visions but fortunately for us, someone had done due diligence.
I must confess to always trying to be on the alert to an opportunity. Upon learning that a time share presentation would provide free first class tickets to the train ride, I talked our friends into an experience that may have severely stressed our friendship, a time share presentation! Our friends, Marvis and Bob, had never experienced the sheer exhaustion of such an undertaking before and upon conclusion of the hell into which I had sacrificed their time, vowed to never attend another. I am sure there is no enticement sufficient to allure them into a repeat experience and I am sure my future recommendations will forever be viewed as suspect. Bob and Kitty had attended time share presentations and thus, were better prepared to "cope" with the hell to which I had subjected them. My thought was that 90 minutes of time was worth the train trip but Marvis is still working and thus, places a higher value on her time than I do on mine as a retired "fixed income" person. I understand Marvis' position and it is not unlike my attitude when I was working and my vacations were sacred. I am not sure that either couple considered the train ride worth the misery of a time share presentation but I wanted our friends to experience life to the fullest. However, this may have been an experience they could have done without but it will add to repertoire of stories that may forever be retold as the "experience from hell".
Today we are visiting Jerome and perhaps taking a trek over Mingus Mountain to Prescott if our friends are still committed to our viability as a tour guide.