Once again we are back “en residence” at the adobe in Glendale. It is good to be home where there is ample space in which to roam and where we are near our family, small though it may be. Our granddaughter, Lauren, has been updating the family on her activities while she is away at school. With her permission, I am adding under her byline what we (absolutely unprejudiced grandparents) believe are delightful reports of her activities at school as a regular feature entitled LETTER FROM LAUREN. Hopefully, you will find her “chatter” a nice diversion to our sometimes boring chatter.
Our trip below the border was restful, relaxing and if you want to know the truth, somewhat boring. How much R and R do retired people need? Unlike most of our excursions, there was no place to explore absent a “quad” or ATV. Our close friend, Phil, believes that people who have ATV’s are “barbarians”. Believe me, when we next go to Mexico, we will do as the barbarians do!
To the group of angels that raised a somewhat devilish child,
School is, well school. It's not good, but it's not bad. The workload never dies down and my percentage of sleep never really seems to go up. It's a vicious cycle. My classes aren't horrible. A couple are terribly boring, but not everything can be fun and games now can it?! I did take my first french test in which I received a well cherished 93 percent. I think that's the highest grade I've ever received in any sort of french affiliated test of knowledge. Dad said I could do better, and in spite of him I'm going to get an A in french (overall) - we'll see what he thinks about that .. pff a 93 not good? What world is he living in?
The week of the 14th (Hallmarks Valentines day) is going to be rough. I don't think I've ever seen so much stuff jam packed into a total of 3 days. When the going gets tough .. the tough get going!
In other news, hall council is going to get a move on this semester. We've already got several events planned which I'm ecstatic about! My favorite includes "senior prom" .. where we're going to set up a ballroom, get an oldies band and have the nursing homes from around SMU come and enjoy a "senior prom" .. Feel like doing something good for the community!
One of the girls on RHA (the secretary) she's kind of nasty .. I mean nasty attitude of course, but she insists that I may have to step down from my position of Shuttles President, because .. I have to leave a few minutes early from the RHA general assembly meetings because I have class! I tried to get into another one (it's my MSA class) but it's impossible. And it's necessary for my major. The President of RHA said it was fine, but we'll see how that goes.
The social scene - doesn't seem to be my cup of tea. I'm struggling to find some sort of compromise between going to bars and staying in my room and doing homework or watching a movie by myself. The other night we were sitting outside after coming back from the local hangout "JAcK's" and this one girl started just bawling because her friend and her got in a fight. And she was saying "I don't want to be in highschool, I just wanna be in college" .. I had to reassure her that she was and that just because you're in college doesn't mean every single aspect of drama leaves your life. It was draining. But I think about a lot of the things that a lot of the people I know here revolve their lives around .. it really got me thinking, and I came to the conclusion that a lot of it is extremely petty. But I'm still looking for that compromise .. I'm thinking lazer tag?!
I've been going with a couple friends to ab class every Monday and Wednesday and trying to make it to the gym a couple other days. So I'm keeping that new years resolution. The job is going well. I have work possibly Thursday and for sure on Saturday. It feels good to get away from my room for a little bit and earn some extra cash, because when your friends weekly activities include going to the mall .. it gets difficult to resist the pressure of buying that cute
new top or those sooo adorable shoes.
Morgan is going to New York on Wednesday night. She's really excited and I'm left alone in my room again. I'm missing home terribly. I miss my friends even more! I don't know what it is, I’m just really homesick right now. I talk to Megan every day, and try and talk to Amy as much as possible but she's always super busy. Amy plans on staying up in SLO over the summer, and I’'m really sad about that but I'll visit her often. She loves it up there. Megan is planning on transferring from Santa Cruz .. I don't know when but she's going to make her move soon. By the way she says hi!
Anyways, I have to head off to my french class. Then hopefully off for a bite to eat. Hope all is well at home! Miss you guys tons!! Love you!!