Monday saw Diane and Bill still fighting their respective colds. We realized that we should cancel a planned Wednesday trip by car to Guadalajara and Taxco. We decided to fete our group with a pot roast from our freezer and I had already thawed it before I realized Bill and Diane were not well enough to partake of our fare. We went on without them and everyone was most gracious in expressing appreciation for our “culinary” attempt though it lacked perfection. We were sorry that Bill and Diane missed our gastronomical offerings and we missed their company.
A group of children from a local orphanage entertained the park residents with some regional dance presentations and provided a charming diversion to our day. The nearby Los Arcos restaurant served hordorves and marguerities gratis of the park and Los Arcos.
Our days are filled with activities of laid back relaxation. The men occupy themselves with the “search of the day”, “must have of the week” or the “chore of the month” while wives see to such household chores as cleaning, laundry (not an easy chore in the park Laundromat) and even ironing. I read two books. I am getting into “relaxation”.
On Wednesday, Betty woke up with a cold that she believes she caught as a result of over exposure to the night air during a Sunday park visit that extended into the cool cool of the evening. Thus, she joined Bill and Diane in their battle against the common cold.
Dan, a fellow park resident, invited Ernie to go fishing with him at a lake some 40 miles in the hills on Thursday. Ernie wrangled an okay to include Ken and Len who had been on the “failed” fishing adventure of the previous week and of course, both were anxious to try their hand and skill once again. I had a premature desire for fish and chips so Ken and I went to The Shrimp Bucket downtown which was a tourist rip off that was highly disappointing. The shrimp was tasty but the service and the proportions were marginal for the price which I felt was excessive. Perhaps it was just my day to be “el cheapo”.
Thursday morning Ken was up at 3AM and they were off by 4 for the approximately one and one-half hour trip to the lake where Dan met them. They had a great day fishing that gave them much pleasure. Ken was particularly obvious in his delight in his skill with a deep sea rod and reel that he used for fresh water fishing. We all enjoyed the “fruits of their mischief” with a fish fry and accruements dutifully prepared by the ladies. Bill, Diane and Betty all felt well enough to join the party and a good time was had by all.
Friday, the group along with another couple from the park, Ken and Georgina, boarded a bus for old town and the central market area for a day “out and about” as a group.
We visited the market, shopped and at the conclusion of our “walk through the market”, Bill and Ken (of Ken and Georgina) went over to the open air fresh fish market and purchased 11 kilos of shrimp (for 11 people, Georgina is allergic to shell fish) and brought it back to the restaurant who graciously prepared and served the shrimp for us. It was perfecto and mouth watering good.
As we left the restaurant, we stopped to enjoy a parade already in progress featuring the candidates for King and Queen of the carnival to be held later this month. It was an entertaining and fun way to conclude a good day “out and about” on the streets of Mazatlan.