We depart LAX Monday, June 1 for
June 4 Sea day.
June 5
June 6 Warnemunde (
June 7 Sea day
June 8
June 9-10
June 11
June 12
June 13-14 At sea
June 15 –
June 16 Home.
As available, I will post updates to http://patsgazette.com/ from the ship. Pictures and diary will be posted after our return home, June 16. Our on board e mail address is kburns8582@JEWEL.cruisemail.net.
Best wishes for a very special day to my niece, Erin Wood whose wedding we will miss on June 6. May her special day be filled with sunshine and happiness.
You all stay healthy, be happy and stay in touch.
You all stay healthy, be happy and stay in touch. our .return home