Saturday, March 30,the Viking Aegir (our ship) arrived Nuremberg, Bavaria's second largest city at 930AM. Excursions were organized and the "troops" boarded their respective transport for an escorted tour of the medieval Aldstadt (old town) and grand castle. The old city is surrounded by massive walls and boasts an abundance of 15th and 16th century art and architecture. Thriving traditions include gingerbread cookies (traditional Christmas fare) but available year round and bratwurst.
It was in Nuremberg that the Nazis found an ideal setting for their activities and held their fanatical party rallies. Why Nuremberg? The city fathers donated to the party a large parcel of land on which they held mammoth rallies and begin construction of a coliseum inspired structure, the congress hall, now called the documentation center. Each year the party hierarchy gathered at the center for planning, training, indoctrination and with their sheer numbers intimidation of the populace at large. The great hall was never finished and the last rally was held in 1938. By 1939 Germany was at war and there was no money to continue the massive building project which was envisioned to impress the world as the last great empire.
We concluded our Nuremberg visit ashore with a stop at Lorenzer Platz and Its St. Lorenzkirche Cathederal and sampled a bratwurst.