Monday, July 23, 2018


In accordance with a recent promise to family, I am going to attempt to keep everyone aware of what is going on in our world and thus, I am posting it here.  The long and short of it is -- NOT MUCH -- but I will emphasize that by my lack of content. 

As you may have heard, On Saturday there was a family dispute that resulted in one of our California high speed chases.  Our high speed chases have become great sport and on occasion, a source of entertainment.  I am surprised that more locales have not experienced this specific unique to California phenomena.  Be glad that you have been spared.  This one was tragic and not entertaining.  The guy had a gun took his girlfriend and Grandma (I think it was the girl's grandma) hostage and sped through the city shooting at the cops in pursuit.  It ended up at one of our Trader Joe's with 40 or so customers held hostage.  Reports say that the girlfriend and grandma who were involved in the initial family dispute were shot (not fatally) and one of the staff at Trader Joe's was killed.  The Trader Jo'es is located in the Silver Lake area of Los Angeles, a millennial occupied community adjacent to Glendale and bordering Hollywood.  Not sure where the family dispute originated but it did provide a little excitement on an otherwise mundane day, especially for those involved.  

Our week was routine. Ken did his cardio-rehab and we saw our Cardiologist who, in addition to being gracious by not complaining about my ongoing struggle to deal with my excess weight, declared us "fit for another month".  I have a callous on the bottom of my foot that needed attention and thus, a courtesy visit to the foot Dr. was included in our traveling triage for staying well.

We completed our week of excitement with lunch at a Chinese restaurant with friends and a birthday party for lovely gentlemen who has Alzheimer’s.  One would never suspect he is afflicted but knowing that he won't remember a thing about the day helps in case there were any words spoken for which there could otherwise be lingering embarrassment.  He was an avid music lover and to celebrate, his wife secured an ensemble of four gifted musicians who serenaded the guests with lovely renditions of classical and religious music.  The guest of honor delighted all with his rendition of leading the orchestra from the audience.  It is sad to think that the benefactor may not remember this special event today but it suffices to know that yesterday  he was overcome with the joy and love of friends and family in celebration of his birthday.  

Terri had to have a new alternator and new tires for her car so she will undoubtedly be feeling short of loose change for a few days, week’s months?  Marci and Lauren were both out of town most of the week and Gary is babysitting the dogs, working and doing therapy on his knee that acted up as a result of his activities in rehab.  I had a text from him this morning while on the bus on his way to work.  He was complaining about the bus driver who was "the slowest, most accident adverse driver he has ever experienced".  He closed his tyriad wondering  how people like the bus driver ever survive in a non-nanny State!  Obviously, he needs a little attitude adjustment. This is not good for his health!! 

Our weather has been good and we had a little rain during the week though not significant.  I estimated it to be one of those three drops to the acre cloud bursts.

Well it looks like I have managed to fill up a page with nonsense that no one is interested in and perhaps I have improved everyone's sense of boredom.