As you may not have
noticed, I have been quiet at the old keyboard of late.
I have had other things to do – like
preparing a final plan upon my demise, making the big decisions and – of course
– writing my memoirs.
Actually, none of
the above is really true.
It seems that
the primary event in our life is the Doctor of the day.
Whatever would old people do for a social
life but for the Doctors?? That said, I really must share with all of you what
was, for this old person, a momentous event in our life. (Ken and I, of course!)
In the early 80’s, Ken and I (who am I kidding – Ken – I
just helped pay for it) purchased a time share in Key West Florida. Ken refers to our visits there as his visit to
a Caribbean Island to which he can drive.
In truth, through the years we have loved our visits to the Galleon and
in spite of a few instances of rain that exceeded expectations, basked in the
sun, enjoyed the local flavors and, on one occasion, Ken sampled the
hospitality of the local hospital. During these visits we have enjoyed the
company of many family and extended family and it has all been good and filled with great memories. As wonderful as our prior visits have been,
none compare with our latest visit. Let
me tell you about it!!
Terri took us to the Burbank airport for our early flight to Tampa Saturday morning May 11. All went well and as scheduled, we arrived safely and on time in Tampa. We picked up our rental car and put the rubber to the road for our 90 minute drive to Sarasota plus a stop off at the Cracker Barrel for a reintroduction to the delightful flavors of Southern cooking.. On Wednesday we drove to Ft Meyers to pick up our niece Joy Neeley. Joy resides in Southern Indiana where my roots are as deep as the American Revolution according to family folklore. Our, however many greats back one must go, Grandfather and his brother were among the patriots who served in the revolution that heralded our freedom from England. Let no one doubt that I am proud of my family and my heritage.

Early Saturday morning, Joy, Ken and I departed Sarasota for Key West. Our first scheduled stop would be the Fish Company in Islamarada. (One of many established traditions over the years.) There we were joined and treated to lunch by nephew, JD and his friend, Kim. After our hearty lunch, we proceeded down the Keys under blue skies with a few fluffy clouds gliding overhead. Thus, began our week at the Galleon.
In addition to Joy, another niece,
Deborah Wood, and her husband, Scott, would comprise our resident guests but at other locales, two nephews and four nieces, spouses and/or travel partners were settling in. Mid-week three other nephews and a niece would arrive, making our party complete.
To tell you that I felt overwhelmed with pride and affection would be an
understatement. Indeed I do not have the
words that can convey the emotion and love that I felt in having my family
devote precious vacation time in the company of an old and sometimes grumpy Aunt. You gotta admit, that's kindness in a world where there is too little.
Mostly, Ken and I enjoyed the view from our balcony and awaited visits with the more active family members who shared with us their adventures out and about. Their activities included jet skis,
snorkeling, swimming, sightseeing, boating, night life and yes, eating. As you might guess, the food in Key West can
be spectacular.

Sunday morning was our first venture out as a group and on
the recommendation of our son and daughter in law, we opted for Sarabeth's. We were able to get
reservations for all 13 (Ken, Joy, Zoe, Karen, John, Alice, JD, Kim, Stephanie, Adam, Rachel and me). Scott and Debby were still on the road. It was a great start to a great week and we were lucky to receive accommodations for that many on short notice. Thank you Sarabeth!!
Monday Everyone joined in the barbecue at the Galleon (a routine event) where
exposure and insight into things to do, places to go, people to see was
provided. Rachel picked up her "bestie", Amro, who arrived after a red eye flight from St Louis where he completed his latest theater performance. After a quick nap, Amro was ready to join the group in pursuit of fun and excitement.
Tuesday I insisted that we needed to do the Key West Trolley for a ride around town and tips for things to do, places to go and people to see in Key West. That may have been a good idea but it was a bit of a disappointment. For Ken and me that was our big whoopee doo in pursuit of fun in the sun. The bright sun and heat
conveyed an undesired discomfort and being old, we succumbed to watching from the sidelines. We were committed to living vicariously from the comfort of our balcony shaded by palm trees occupied by birds who provided both entertainment and irritation. Cool drinks flowed freely and frequent visitors reminded us that life can be cool. .
Wednesday, we lost JD and Kim to the reality of real life
and return to work. Later,
the nieces joined us for people watching from the balcony and lunch, while the younger members of our
group pursued other ventures out and about.
Thursday, we enjoyed quiet time on the balcony while we waited with anticipation for the arrival of Steve, Terri, Kyle
and Jaxson, who were driving down from Ft. Lauderdale. Thursday evening we were treated to a wonderful
bbq dinner hosted by the Baum family at their condo in the Truman Annex. Dinner included a surprise birthday
celebration in honor of my pending ascension into another age year. I was
overwhelmed and very impressed with the delicious cake made for me by Stephanie
Baum, my very talented, beautiful great great niece. To say my cup was running over would be an
Friday three of our group returned to the ocean for snorkeling and water appreciation while the rest of us boarded a boat to Sunset
Key for lunch at The Latitudes. Sunset Key has become a favorite last hurrah and
lunch during our visits to Key West. We highly recommend lunch or dinner there if you are in the area of Key West but do be
prepared to wait if you are ordering beignets for desert! My patience was severely tested, giving insight into the grumpiness for which I have renown.
Saturday morning, everyone scurried with early
checkouts, planes to catch and things to do.
After a little effort (and too
late for four of our group) we were able to all get together at The
Southernmost Beach Café on the beach at
the end of Duval Street for breakfast, goodbyes and last minute photo ops. We
were lucky that they were not too busy and they were wonderful with their
patience in accommodating a large group on a "walk in" basis. Southern charm and manners are alive and well in Key West.
As we said goodbye
and departed one from another, my heart filled with the
emotion of how important family is both from the past, in the now and to our
future. Few people are as blessed as I
have been in the past or as I am today and my heart is filled with a love like
no other for my family, extended family and circle of friends.
On route to Sarasota, we stopped for dinner in Naples at a favorite restaurant on the dock in Tin City. Our last visit there was for lunch with friends from Canada that we met on our South Africa trip, Bill and Maureen Poutney and Rob and Aurielle. Memories are the blessings that sustain old age for those lucky enough to be blessed with it (and the memories). Ken and I are among the lucky ones.
Our Sunday was brightened by a visit from our friends, Kitty and Ed, from Palm Coast who, upon hearing that we were in Sarasota scheduled a special stop over on route home from a camping trip in their RV in Ocala. What a treat it was to see them both and enjoy memories shared. Dinner and catch up occupied our afternoon.
Debby, Kitty, Pat, Ken and Ed |
Monday morning, after treating ourselves to a good Amish breakfast, we waddled off to our car and drove Joy to the airport
for her return trip home Later, Kitty and Ed joined us for a drive to Bradenton, for lunch on the beach. Later, we were able to manage a brief hello with Frosty, Kitty's poodle of many years and met, Sparky, the "labadoodle" (or something like that) replacement for Jingles who has gone on to his doggy reward. Sparky is all paws, alive with youthful energy and still in training. Our friendship with Kitty dates back to a cruise from Spain to Portugal in 2000. We met her and her late husband Bob in Barcelona and they, together with Marvis and Bob Gersten, shared our tourist adventures on that trip. We three couples enjoyed our time together and kept in touch through the years. The two Bob's are gone but our friendship has endured with the addition of Ed and Arnie who have not tried to replace their predecessors but rather are comfortable in their own skin.
We enjoyed the Bradenton Beach Restaurant so much we repeated the occasion with our neighbor and friends in the apartment next door. They had not been to the Bradenton restaurant and we didn't mind repeating the always pleasant experience of lunch there on the beach.
Debby, Alice, Ken, Pat and Louise |
On Saturday, I was once again treated to the birthday scene inasmuch as it was the actual date. My niece was ever so kind and treated us to dinner at Rosebuds in Osprey in honor of my special day. Rosebuds is another favorite place from our years of scouting places to eat in the Sarasota area. Rosebuds was first recommended to us in or around 1994 and after numerous visits, it has never disappointed us.
Sunday, Ken fulfilled his ever present desire to do a little fishing and thus, he had his day of fishing. He had a good day, came back tired but satisfied. You guessed it. We enjoyed a fried fish dinner and for cooking that is uniquely mine (bad), it met expectations.
Monday, we boarded our plane home and Terri met us at the airport with open arms and a welcome smile. Cooper seemed rather ambivalent about our return but the next day when Terri went to work, he seemed to grasp the benefit of having us around as a substitute for long days alone. We were glad to be home, but we treasure the memories!!
Well, there you have it -- our big whooppee dooo for the year.
Now, do you believe me? Old people ought not be allowed out"!!