From the desktop of LHB
To my rockstars, It’s been an exhausting two weeks. I’m writing this to all of you as I sit on a plane back to the land of school, work, hot weather, and horrible football (aka Dallas). I’ve spent this past weekend with my family in Las Vegas, Nevada. You know, until now I’ve never been to the city of sin, and maybe my parents tried to keep it that way, but I sure do like it. The bright lights, warm breezes, and never-ending entertainment seem to be right up my ally. Believe me I’ll be back for my 21st birthday.
Luckily this week will be a bit of a slow one. Due to the four tests, numerous quizzes, hours of working and studying that I’ve previously encountered, I might be able to sit and watch the OC peacefully. I’m doing well. I’m struggling a bit with French, a reoccurring theme, so I’ll have to make an effort to get extra help in that subject. I wasn’t happy with my first statistics test, even though (I assure you) it was not a terrible grade. Sometimes I still have to run it through my head that I’m here to get an education and that motivates me a little bit more to get up early in the morning and tough it out until I lay in my bed at night. It’s a day-by-day thing.
It was a lovely morning. My alarm went off at 7 am and I felt an urge to go to Einstein’s bagels and get some breakfast for my roommates who had class early. As I rubbed my sleepy eyes while walking around the front end of my car, I noticed a large pile of black glass. The first thought that ran through my nonfunctioning brain was “oh that’s nice someone broke a bottle near my car. I must remember to be careful to not run my tires over that.” As I looked to my left, there was an open window on my passenger seat behind the driver’s door. It never occurred to me that someone had broken in. I only wanted to think that by some freak accident a ball had flown through my window. But my hopes were crushed as I looked into the front of the car and my radio was missing. They even bothered to leave my mixed cd that was in my cd player on my seat for me. The nerve. From my experience I have no sympathy. Sure, I used to think – hey, yah there are those “bad” people out there but that won’t ever happen to me. Ha, I was definitely wrong and now I want to find whoever stole my stereo and teach them a lesson. Personal experiences change our worldviews. I hate thieves.
Hurricanes blow. I don’t even want to talk about it.
Where is the worst place you have ever received a shot? I would have to say my behind. Due to my horrible week, I became ill on Sunday morning. This resulted in my visit to the doctor’s office and two shots in my arse. They still hurt when I sat down the next few days.
So, I’m turning in my sorority papers. Mom is highly encouraging me to do so. I guess I’ll give it a go, I mean it can’t hurt and I would like to get to know more people – network. I’m also applying to the University of Dreams – an internship program through UCLA for next summer. For those of you who know my roommate Whitney (or have heard about her) she did it this previous summer and it was awesome! I also play two intramural teams – volleyball and flag football. I enjoy taking down some opponents, in a friendly way of course.
No boys. At this point I’m planning to live my life as an old maid with five cats and a parrot. But I do want to say congratulations to Katie on her engagement!! That is so exciting!
I also wish Terri a very happy birthday and a safe weekend in Temecula!
I can’t wait to come home for Thanksgiving!! Miss you all and love you so much!
Your faithful groupie,