Our ship docked in Napoli, Italy at 7AM. Our tour was scheduled for an
815 AM departure for Sorrento and we left as scheduled. Our on board guide briefed us on the sights
and sounds of Naples as we passed through the city on our way to beautiful and
enchanting Sorrento.
When we visited Sorrento
in 2013, Ken admired a wooden inlaid carving of the Last Supper that we felt
was too expensive for our frugally oriented budget (poverty stricken?). He has lamented on his deprivation since that
visit and thus, Sorrento had definitely been in his planning scheme for this
trip. I wanted to be sure that I was along because I thought I had veto
Our ride up the winding, narrow road into Sorrento was, as we
expected, exhilarating and for the faint of heart unnerving. Nevertheless, we were inspired by the view
and admired the people who choose to live on a cliff surrounded by beauty and Italian
(hot?) air. No cowards are they.
Our excursion was only 5 hours with our ride to and fro 1 ½
hours each way and 1 ½ hours there. The
missing half hour was reserved for “herding the cattle” that best describes the
job of a tour guide on these outings. At least that is my view of the
Once in the shopping area, Ken was off to shop while I found
a place to sit and watch the people. A
delightful lady from England sat down beside me and entertained me with her
travel stories. She has cruised extensively and her stories were delightful.
We had been encouraged to try the Margareta pizza and we tend
to do what we are told especially if it involves eating. We shared one and yes,
it was delightful. All in all – the trip
was a scenic delight, Sorrento is a lovely, welcoming and safe destination that
we wished we had more time to enjoy.
Our ride back was just as anxiety riddled as the ride up but
I had adjusted and I slept most of the way.
We wish we could see and enjoy more of the Italian countryside but alas,
a ships tour must do at this stage of our childhood.
Today Sunday May 17, is a sea day and tomorrow we visit Athens. Life is grand and we really are having a good
time. Stay tuned for our adventures
especially as we transit into the Suez. We are all looking forward to the adventure!!