Tuesday, Feb 10 – Recife. – We arrived in port at 7A. After some missteps thanks to a stint of temporarily misplaced memory on my part our group of 10 boarded a shuttle to the terminal where Ken's sister, Barbara was awaiting our arrival. From there, we walked 4 blocks to where her car was parked and did a brief stop at the Jewish synagogue. Inasmuch as we needed two cabs in addition to Barbara's car, she negotiated a better price than she was able to secure at the terminal where the shuttle was offloading guests from the cruise ship. We drove into Olinda, did a bit of touristing and enjoyed some refreshments. Part of us the proceeded downtown Recife for lunch with Barbara at a churchera while others elected to skip this Brazilian custom. It is a lot of food and we are not "starving" on this cruise ship. We missed them but managed to enjoy our lunch, did a quick look at the beach from downtown and then drove to the old Prison that has been converted into a shopping area and did some shopping. Our day concluded with some musical enjoyment of "carnaveral" performances by a group outside the prison and a ride back to the ships shuttle with a brief stop off to view a beautiful park and ornate tree in front of the Governor's mansion. Ken and I particularly enjoyed the day and visit with Barbara. We appreciated the opportunity to introduce her to our travel friends and sharing with them this special reunion and visit. We wish we had more time ashore with Barbara and more time to share her with our friends but alas, the ship sailed at 6 and sadly, we said goodbye, returned to the ship and sailed off into the sunset for our next port which will be Salvador on Thursday. Tomorrow, Wednesday, is a day at sea and assuming there are no crises of note, I will post after our shore visit on Thursday. To those who know Barbara, we are happy to report that she looks great, seems to feel good and she sends her love to all. .
Ken and Pat Burns from the road and/or the sea just as happy as can be 