Wednesday Feb 4 Barbados. We arrived on schedule at 7AM and joined our friends Bill and Diane Herbert for an excursion around the island to old haunts that they visited 20 years ago. Our driver was knowledgeable, helpful and pleasant as he drove us up the gentle Caribbean sea coast and inland to the Atlantic coast where the wind and sea were mighty haughty in their vim and vigor. Signs pronounced the danger of swimming and surfing thereabouts, not that any of us were interested in challenging the veracity of the signs. It was an interesting day. Barbados is a beautiful, but crowded island. We have three days at sea to recoup and prepare for Brazil. We are adjusting to the ship and the ship may be adjusting to us. That is still to be determined, mind you. We have a large travel group aboard who seems to be getting the VIP treatment leaving the rest of us to sort of fend for ourselves. I am threatening to remove one of the signs on the doors that say VIP GUEST but so far, I have resisted.
Ken and Pat Burns from the road and/or the sea just as happy as can be 